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  • How do I know what time the bus comes?
    You can use the e-Link feature, or you can contact the Transportation Department at 425-844-4540.
  • How do I find out what bus my child will ride?
    You can use the e-Link feature, or you can contact the Transportation Department at 425-844-4540.
  • What factors are considered for assigning bus stops?
    Safety is the number one consideration. Other considerations include: Paved public roadways that are wide enough to be accessible to a school bus Speed and traffic flow Corners are preferred as they typically have traffic control (stop signs, etc) and crosswalks Ample visibility for the driver to safely stop the bus. If there is not ample visibility, a "school bus stop ahead" sign will be placed to give other drivers a warning that a school bus may be stopped ahead Pickup students on the right side of the bus whenever possible Avoid unsafe locations The overall safety of each school bus stop is evaluated to ensure it is a safe place for students to wait for the bus and be dropped off. Bus routes are evaluated every year. Safe walking routes are evaluated every 2 years or as needed. We also encourage parents and guardians to provide age appropriate supervision at their bus stops.
  • What can I do if I have a concern about my student's bus stop?
    Contact the Transportation Office at 425-844-4540.
  • What are the responsibilities of parents with students riding the bus?
    Parents/Guardians are responsible for the conduct and behavior of their students on the bus to ensure their students are at the bus stop 5 minutes early for meeting the afternoon bus if they have Kindergarten students riding the bus for transporting items such as large musical instruments and other large items that are not safe on the bus for ensuring their students do not bring prohibited items on the bus for providing student transportation in the event the student has a bus suspension
  • What if I have a concern about the safety of my student on the bus?
    Talk to the driver, contact your school administrator, or contact the Transportation Office (425-844-4540).
  • How will I know if there is a change to my student's route?
    A letter will be sent home with the student at least 3 days before the change. Typically the parent will also receive a telephone call from the Transportation Office.
  • What time to buses depart the schools in the afternoon?
    Typically buses depart 5 minutes after the afternoon bell. However, the school may delay bus release in the event of special circumstances.
  • How does my Kindergarten Student know about the bus rules?
    We have put together a video for you that you can watch with your children! We also schedule new rider orientation before school starts each year. Parents will be contacted vis email with dates and times.
  • Why are there so many school bus rules?
    It does seem a bit overwhelming at times but the rules and guidelines are designed to keep the bus safe and create a positive environment for all of the students. The rules are based on OSPI policy, Washington State law, School Board Policy and Transportation procedures. Please see Being Safe on the Bus on our website.
  • What items are prohibited on school buses?
    Prohibited items include tobacco, vaping devices, lighters, matches, flammable liquids and materials, alcoholic beverages, aerosol cans, knives (real or replicates), sharp items, and firearms (real, replicates or toys). Students with prohibited items on the bus are subject to immediate bus suspension.
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