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Being Safe On the Bus


Listen to the driver and follow instructions


Stay seated facing forward

Sit in your assigned seat

Sit bottom to bottom and back to back

Backpacks on the floor or on your lap

Keep your hands to yourself 

No body parts out of the window

Store loose objects such as balls and toys in your backpack


Stay out of the aisle except for getting on and off the bus

Keep your hands, arms, heads and legs out of the aisle

Keep personnel items out of the aisle


 Do not distract the driver except in the case of an emergency

No loud noises or screaming; use Voice Level 2

Do not stand or move around the bus except when getting on or off the bus


Respect the driver and other students

Use kind words and actions

No inappropriate language of gestures

No teasing or name calling

No fighting, harassment, intimidation, or bullying


Do not bring prohibited items on the bus

Prohibited items include: tobacco, vaping devices, lighters, matches, alcoholic beverages, aerosol cans, knives (real or replicant), sharp objects, and firearms (real, replicant or toy) 


Students with prohibited items on the bus are subject to immediate bus suspension


Smartphones and other electronic devices are for personal use only

Earphones or ear buds are required for listening to electronic devices; speakers are not allowed


No photos, selfies or videos shall be taken with electronic devices or shared using any social media while on the bus


Images on electronic devices shall not be shown to other students on the bus


Be a responsible bus rider

No eating or drinking on the bus except water

Keep the bus clean, make sure all trash goes into the trash can

Do not damage the bus 

Do not tamper with the emergency equipment or emergency exits

Do not throw anything out of the bus windows


Being Safe Getting On and Off Bus


Get to your bus stop at least 5 minutes early


Wait in the designated area for your bus

Stay off private property and do not leave any trash

School and bus rules apply while you wait for the bus

When the bus approaches, line up a safe distance from the bus stop

Wait for the bus to come to a stop

The driver will signal you when it is safe to cross the road and when to get on the bus

Go directly to your assigned seat in a safe manner


Getting off the bus at school

Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop and the driver signals you it is safe to get up and depart the bus


Do not run, push or shove getting off the bus. Be patient and wait your turn


Getting off the bus at your bus stop in the afternoon

Wait for the bus to come to a complete stop

Make sure you have all you personal items

Walk to the service door in a safe manner

If you cross the road, wait for the driver to signal that it is safe to cross


For Parents


Students are to be at the bus stop 5 minutes prior to the scheduled pickup time


Kindergarten students must be accompanied by a parent or approved adult at the bus stop in the morning and meet the students at the bus stop in the afternoon. The driver will not release a kindergarten student without a parent of approved adult at the bus stop


Bus passes are required for students to ride a bus other than the one they are assigned to or get off at a different stop. Parents are required to contact transportation to authorize a bus pass


Students will require parent transport if the student needs to bring items too bulky to be transported on the bus


Students that violate school bus rules are subject to bus suspensions


Riverview School District School Board Policies for Transportation

P3100-3 Guidelines and Rules for Students Riding the Bus

6600 - Transportation

6605 - Student Safety Riding Buses

P6605-1 Procedures

6608 - Video Cameras on School Bus

P6608-1 Procedures

6620 - Special Transportation

6630 - Driver Training and Responsibility



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